Thursday, September 29, 2011

Skoobs : Theatre of Books! A must see! I didn't want to leave! I want to go back!

The Tank

So Zen

The Baby Grand

Love the origami

Happy happy : )

Love these "nest"-type chairs

The lift

The "mezzanine" level

My coffee. The waiter was super friendly - great service

The Travel Guide section, I was in awe - stopped
in my tracks
Woohoo! Some Champers!

Got some cool books :) - just because I had to.

Great South African Read. Unusual and entertaining. Read within a day

Been wanting to read this for ages. Beautifully written! Amazing stuff!
Read in a day and a bit.

Whenever I get the heebies about change I
think "move with the Cheese". Took about 10-15 minutes to read.

Since I've been to this fabulous book "shop" (what an inadequate word!) I'm been trying to get back. The hubby and I decided to have some noms at Monte and as soon as I went past Skoobs I thought I have to go in there. After a lovely dinner I was like " I want to go to Skoobs!"

The store  includes a fabulous coffee shop with unique coffee and tea offerings and an upmarket Champagne Bar on the upper level (reached by glass lift or amazing wooden staircase), complete with baby grand piano to provide refined entertainment while enjoying your glass of bubbly and choosing a good read, or selecting a game for the kids in the interactive gaming area.  

The wonderland of experiences continues for the younger generation with a custom-designed, animal-themed interactive kiddie’s book section and a breathtaking Skoobs fish tank, complete with specially designed water books to keep visitors mesmerised. The sensory journey of the store continues into the Zen garden in the mind, body and soul area; a putting green in the sports area; and a Tuscan courtyard.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Basal Cell Feed with Coffeeberry and Acai -RegimA

I also tried this which I was quite impressed with.
Facial treatment focusing on anti-ageing, regenerating, detoxifying, toning and promoting more even skin colour and focusing on skin health. Helps improve and preserve skin elasticity, retarding the ageing process.
Coffee Berry delivers many essential rare components, helping eliminate the loss of epidermal elasticity.

Sunlight and pollution generate oxidative stress in skin leading to photoageing. The penetrating synergistic action of ingredients within Basal Cell Feed help combat and minimize the damage that these outside influences have on the skin.
Açai oil from the fruit seed of the Açai palm boasts the highest antioxidant action and essential fatty acids omega 3, 6 and 9 helping in the fight against the ageing process. Coffee Berry offers peak antioxidant action, is exceptionally rich in polyphenols, ferulic acid, plus 5 essential sugars, providing natural photoageing protection. Plant phytosterols help balance the lipids in the skin, for perfect moisture replenishment.
Seaweed, laminaria algae and hyaluronic acid have moisture binding properties and help reduce sun induced inflammation resulting in a plumper more youthful, smoother, radiant appearance

Joseph A. Lewis
Who do we have to thank for Coffeeberry?Mr A Lewis -who was also part of the team that pioneered the use of alpha hydroxy acids in skincare. He’s also the inventor of the super-antioxidant Idebenone which is a bio-engineered form of Q-10. He created his own snazzy skincare brand, PRIORI which consists of three main lines, the Advanced AHA range, the Idebenone range and Coffeeberry Perfecting Minerals.

Quantum Elastin Dermal Regenerator RegimA

This is one of my favourite creams and it's fantastic after a peel. It's extremely nourishing and really makes my skin look great. Been using it for about 4 years in combination with (recently) Lamelle and Restylane Skin Care.

Quantum Elastin Dermal Regenerator – 60ml .Synthesized Elastin in a micromolecular form, combined with botanicals and proteins, helps firm and lift the skin. Beneficial to damaged and problem skins as well as scarred skins. Promotes re-elastisizing and thickening of the skin, so recommended for use over sensitive areas affected by broken capillaries. Has also been seen to help skin affected by eczema or psoriasis. May use am & pm under appropriate RégimA day and night products.
Non-animal, synthesized elastin in a micro-molecular form is combined with an abundance of plant extracts, essential amino acids and powerful anti-oxidants, providing a complete synergy of powerful natural ingredients.
This preparation is suitable for all skin types and is particularly beneficial for problem skin, acne scarred skin, damaged, thinned or fragile skins

Friday, September 9, 2011

Earlobe Rejuvenation using the Restylane Range

The earlobes frame the face, and while having your face rejuvenated can bring a great improvement, if you leave the earlobes out, you're leaving behind a telltale aging sign. Just like the hands should match the face should match the chest - the earlobes should be taken into consideration as well. After years of wearing heavy earrings and sun exposure, the earlobes can wrinkle and sag too.
A quick and effective way of restoring volume to the earlobe is by injecting a small volume of Restylane or Restylane Perlane. To restore the hydro-balance the Restylane Vital Pen Injector can be used ( at the same time that it being using for full face hydro-balance restoration).

70 year old patient.Large, stretched ear piercing. The lobe
is thin and has lost volume. Patient complains of not being able to wear

Even though the size of the pierced earring "hole" is relatively the
same, volume is restored to the earlobe giving added support if
patient wants to wear earrings. If a purely surgical intervention is used - the hole may be smaller but earrings will not be able to be used.

Earring twisted in angular position to demonstrate the support
given by restoring the volume of the earlobe with Restylane Perlane.

The dainty earring fully supported .

Other Areas that Restylane can Restore and Enhance

Update : This treatment was done two years ago (early 2010), and the patient is having another treatment this week to maintain the effect. Restylane rocks!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What an emotional day!

"Two girls aged seven and 15, and a boy aged seven, became victims of careless driving. The speeding car, driven by Duwaine Martin (19), crashed into the three learners on Hudson Street near the Methodist Church, demolished a gate and ended up in somebody’s property.

According to a police report, the learners sustained body and skull injuries.

The girl and boy, both aged seven, are in hospital fighting for their lives.
A case of reckless driving has been opened by the police and the driver is out on bail.

"This same young boy almost drove into my car in Abraham Street on Sunday. I spoke to him and warned him about his dangerous and reckless driving.  I told him that he will kill people if he keeps showing off and look what he has done... only the following day," said Amien Smith who did his best to help the injured learners."

Today was a rather emotionally draining day at the dental clinic . Early in the morning a dental assistant had an epileptic fit , which really threw me off. It's happened before but today I was really shaken up.

Later during the day we got to meet two of the children mentioned in the above article and their Grandmother who looks after them. Everytime I think I about it , I just burst out crying! What a brave little boy. His Gran was telling us all about their life  and what actually happened after  . I'm crying just typing this.

His skull was fractured and he was in a coma but miraculously he is getting better and walking and slowly starting to talk. He was so brave at the dental clinic today and all smiles! It really took all I had not to burst out crying there. I said to him that he was going to be okay and he miled and nodded.

The little boy's Gran told us that the guy who knocked them down is out of jail and this past Sunday apparently alomost knocked two other kids down. The woman who gave him the car was well aware that he didn't have a licence and sent her grandchild to school with him! She apparently showed no sympathy at all! (she actually "sold" one of grandkids for a car) People are really callous. I really can't believe that 19- year-old kid is out there, probably with no remorse, still driving around. Makes me so angry!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Woman's day Breakfast with Woman@Work

Woman’s Day

On the 9th of August Woman @ Work hosted a very successful Woman's day Breakfast . They invited Bev Milun who was extremely interesting and hugely energetic. She was saying loads of stuff on energy and purpose and what not but what stood out for me was her views on numerolgy and energy. She works with it quite a bit and she said like people , years themselves(if they can in fact be a "self") have their numbers. Usually the year's numeric energy starts to shift in September (not December). Apparently the energy of the previous year  2010-2011(I forget it's number) was one of "earth shifting energy". It felt as if the ground was moving beneath your feet (figuratively) - as in you had major shifts in your life that really shook you up. In terms of the earth - major earthquakes and tsunamis. Wow -that was quite insightful! The energy of the year to come (Sept2011-Sept2012) is a wind energy - blowing you in whatever direction whether you like it or not - the proverbial "winds of change". She said to look out for hurricanes (ahem Hurricane Irene), typhoons, tornados and wind-related natural disasters. If you're so inclined - it's a pretty intriguing concept. It could explain the "quarter life crisis" many of my friends and I are experiencing.

<> <>
For some reason I can't get this pic to rotate!

Bev Milun
<><> <><> <><>
Patient Before Treatment with Topical Anaesthetic over
Naso-labial folds (area of main concern)
(Age : 50 years old)

2 weeks after Restylane Perlane Treatment, Restylane Vital Treatment and
Restylane Skin Care Regime

I also did a Restylane Dermal Filler Demo on the day that I think went quite well!  

Coconut & Kukui foot oil - 250ml

 Kukui Oil (the unique tropical nut oil of Hawaii) is renowned for its rapid absorption qualities into deep skin layers giving your feet a boost of Vitamins A, C and E. Formulated with Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera, this luxurious foot oil can also be used to soothe and moisturise tired dry legs. It smells fantastic - sweet (but not in a sickly-sweet way) and subtle. It's great for the whole body as well for light,non-greasy moisturization. If your feet are really dry it would be better to use the oil with a specially formulated moisturizer (with urea) .

Some interesting face masques - LEADERS CLINIC

I tried these face masques a while ago and have been meaning to blog about them and well . . . better late than never. I came across them at the Dischem and decided to try them.  They're developed in Korea and make some "out-there" promises. The ampoule masques shown consist of a cellulose masque (of excellent quality) soaked in clear,viscous fluid full of the active ingredients. I tried all the masques and I was really impressed with the way my skin looked and felt afterwards - radiant and soft! A quick, gentle,cheap (R35) pick-me-up. As with things like this , to see good results they must be done more than once and on a regular basis.