Saturday, October 29, 2011

Who knew? A prominant Limbal ring makes you more attractive!

The limbal ring,  the dark circle around iris that separates it from the (the sclera) is an unexpected measure of attractiveness.  
It's completely unconscious, the way we all judge others' limbal rings. In the 20 milliseconds or so it takes to assess a person's attractiveness, you're factoring in the size and shade of the limbal rings. The bigger and blacker they are, the more attractive the eyes. People with the prettiest eyes have the most prominent limbal rings. 
This, anyhow, is the upshot of a recent study by Darren Peshek and his colleagues at the Department of Cognitive Science at the University of California at Irvine. The researchers showed volunteers eighty pairs of male and female faces.  Each pair of faces was identical except the eyes: one had dark limbal rings and the other had no limbal rings.  The volunteers were asked to pick which face was more attractive and to indicate their degree of preference.
Men thought women with the dark limbal rings were more attractive than those without, and women thought the same of men with dark limbal rings.  Men and women also judged faces of the same sex as more attractive when the limbal rings were large.
The limbal ring serves as an honest signal of youth and health which are desirable qualities, reproductively speaking. The ring fades with age and with medical problems.  It's thickest from infancy through the early twenties.  A thick, dark limbal ring may make us appear younger.  It makes the whites of the eyes whiter.  This might be why so many people think light eyes are so sexy:  the limbal ring, when present, is more prominent.
Can you fake it? Oh Yes!
Long ago, Japanese schoolgirls discovered the edge a large limbal ring can give you by wearing "limbal ring" contact lenses. They make the eye look bigger and more defined.
A Thick Limbal Ring and a huge,dilated pupil
aperture make these "Geo Lenses" a popular way
of faking it

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Microdroplet Botox or Meso-Botox

Kenneth D. Steinsapir, M.D., Inc. has been issued a rare patent (US 7,846,457 B2) by The United States Patent and Trademark Office for the invention of a breakthrough method for administering cosmetic botulinum toxin. The patent for Microdroplet™ botulinum toxin, a nonsurgical cosmetic facial treatment that improves upon standard BOTOX® treatments, was officially approved on December 7, 2010. The patent holder and inventor is Dr. Kenneth D. Steinsapir, a cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles specializing in surgery and minimally invasive treatments that enhance facial features with natural-looking results.

Microdroplet™ BOTOX® utilizes tiny microdroplet volumes of botulinum toxin injected into the facial skin at a precise depth and positioning. This controlled placement balances the "tug of war" between the muscles that elevate and pull down the eyebrows. The treatment avoids side effects like BOTOX® "drift" and "forehead freeze."

Dr. Steinsapir reports, "I have been treating patients with BOTOX® since 1988, and early on I recognized the need for an improved approach to cosmetic treatment by carefully listening to the concerns of my patients." This vast experience crystallized into the Microdroplet™ botulinum toxin method in 2006, which is the basis for the U.S. Patent.

"Natural outcomes are vital to a successful and satisfying cosmetic treatment experience," says Dr. Steinsapir. "Microdroplet BOTOX can improve the appearance because it works on select muscles to attain and improve overall facial balance. It's an important option for individuals who seek cosmetic improvement without surgery and an essential alternative to current treatment methods."

Is it super concentrated so it doesn't diffuse much? Is it just another way of saying Baby Botox or Meso-Botox?