Monday, December 23, 2013

Gelish Nails : What took me so long?

I recently tried Gelish at the Sorbet in Glenvista on my feet and hands. I was a bit reluctant as I didn't like that I couldn't remove it and also a bit nervous about damage to my natural nail . Simphiwe, my go-to-gal at Sorbet, was quite honest and answered all my questions regarding the treatment. I decided to just go ahead and do it .Best decision ever (*said in my best suburban drawl) .I use my hands quite a bit and I am constantly washing them so when I do get a mani ( I prefer Essie) the nail polish chips in no time. Two weeks and these Gelish nails are still going strong. 

Simphiwe (my Sorbet Angel) does an exceptional job and is very neat and thorough. I couldn't decide what to do with the colours and the "smartie" effect was suggested (secretly I was wondering if I could do it). 

This went well with my daughter's first birthday party theme and it just makes me feel very festive.

When I was younger - at school and on campus - I used to go crazy with colours and styles. Within reason . . . and sometimes with out reason. In my second year I used to wear these purple snakeskin pants - who does that? Well I wore them and never felt self conscious. Don't get me wrong I was stylish ( no need to pack me off to TLC's "How do I look?" ). Just lately I think I have become quite boring with clothes and with colours. So with these nails I though "What the hell hey?".  
Even my husband remarked that I have become too uptight and high strung. 

Here's to reclaiming a bit of my old self.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Confessions of a Momzilla - BBM Aunties - I think I am turning into one.

Since becoming a mum I have become hooked onto online shopping. It started  when I was still working up the courage to venture out with the little snugglepuff and it died down when I got the hang of handling a car seat ,shopping bags and a baby.

 While looking for a very special birthday outfit(which I can't reveal just yet) for my little madam I became addicted to eBay - so except the little outfit, I also started buying creams from Thailand ,Japanese dolls and am considering getting a dental chair from China. Someone stop me.

Even though I have a Samsung smart phone I have also entered the realm of the "BBM aunty". A BBM Aunty ( as the hubby and I call them ) are ladies that sell and buy via BBM contacts. These entrepreneurial ladies run businesses on a Blackberry using their pins and profile pictures. Anything from designer clothes to baking goodies. Some , thankfully, also have Facebook pages. I came across Saffiyya's page by chance and I'm so glad I did! 

I don't wan't to give out Safiyya's personal details (cell number) - I think it is best if you have a look at her Facebook Page at Oh So Pretty.

I got some beautiful things from her for Snugglepuff- and I was impressed with her efficient and personalized service. The clothes were excellent quality and I would definitely buy from her again. The pics don't do these outfits any justice. There are literally hundreds of fashionable items for both boys and girls so the best is to go over to the Facebook page and shop , shop , shop!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Peri-oral wrinkles : A challenging area to treat

So many people have this problem of barcode lines (sometimes called Smoker’s lines)
Smoker's lines or lip wrinkles need combination treatment because the cause is a combination of factors - loss of volume, muscle hyperactivity, smoking and habits such as lip biting . Multiple treatments over a long period may be necessary before achieving the desired result.- this is especially true in severe cases
Despite what many people believe, smoker's lines or vertical lines above the upper lip are quite common regardless of whether or not someone smokes. This muscle is quite strong and constricts the lips - appearence of tightly pursed lips. I usually recommend a treatment plan that combines more than one modality. Using small doses of Botox will help relax one aspect of the underlying problem--an overactive muscle
Using cosmetic dermal fillers is a nice option with or without Botox and offers more longevity. An excellent filler to use is the iconic Restylane Vital Pen Injector. The technique for fillers above the vermillion border is important to provide a natural, appealing appearance. Chemical Peels as well as Medical micro needling is also an excellent treatment to improve the texture of the skin. This area benefits from combination treatment.

Also it is important to restore volume to the actual lip and peri-oral area using dermal fillers such as Restylane and Perlane

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

First confession being that I am a Mom-Zilla.My four month old daughter is the absolute apple of my eye - I love her so much ! My husband is an absolutely awesome dad and husband - I am so grateful for him. I think the both of us are doing a great job. Being a first time mum , I suppose I can get sensitive about certain things and perhaps take them too seriously.

What I can't fathom is why at times other mom's are the one's sending jabs. I guess what I could do is "just go with the flow" or "let them be" as my more experienced sisters advise. Sometimes you can't always let things go or "be the better person" .   Some people are just plain rude and sometimes it helps to be a bit snarky back.

Parenting is difficult! Rewarding and fun but it is difficult - physically, yes but also emotionally and mentally. So why the hell that instead of being supportive some parents are so judgemental. 

1. It must be hard missing all those special moments every day.

2. I suppose it's smart that you're working. You know, in case your husband leaves you some day.

3. I'm surprised you went back to work. Your husband seems so successful.

4. Your baby will know the nanny better than you

5. I just love my kids too much to leave them during the day.

6. Did you see Dateline? The one with the hidden camera in the day care?

7. I could never let someone else raise my children. But that's just me!

8. I hated my mom because she was never home after school like everyone else's mom.

9. You must feel so guilty.

10. I wish I were as laid-back as you and could just let the housework go

—Liz Gumbinner of, with help from her blog readers

Update : My baba is now 9 months old and she is the most awesome kid ever ( biased because I am her mum) . She also know that I am her mum and the nanny is her nanny and she can say Mom! I still don't like leaving her in the morning and now she is more aware of it but I have to do what I have to do. I just know that when I am home from work that I make an effort to be a more present and "there" and not on Facebook and whatnot.

Confessions of a Mumzilla :Things mums don't want to think about.

You know sometimes I feel like I live in two different worlds and when I think about it or when it seems to all become too much I get so down. I have been feeling down lately - could be lack of sleep, a despicable diet, guilt over leaving my baby to go to work, #firstworldproblems or just having one of my where-is-my-life-going dips. It can also perhaps be attributed to the fact that I have read three Khaled Hosseini books back-to-back. That I work and work and work and don’t have time for much else. That life has settled into a terrible tedious routine and dressing up and going out has become a schlep. It happens every now and then. This affliction of having the time and privilege to feel dissatisfied with a good life.

I live in plush suburbia with all the trimmings and I have a beautiful private practice around the corner where I do exclusively aesthetic medicine (Botox, fillers, chemical peels and the like). I also work (slog) at a state practice as a dentist daily in Phola Park, Thokoza . Every day I drive from nature estates and private gyms and houses that loom like behemoths into the township - for the past 7 years - can you believe it. Also with its dust , rocks , shacks, bond houses and unaccompanied children running about the streets.

Last Tuesday as I was driving in I saw a boy -perhaps 2 and half years old holding the hand of ,I assume, his little sister . She was perhaps 18 months old . They were so small. Crossing the road by themselves, stopping before stepping off the curb. Before I drove past the little boy held her hand so tightly and tugged her back protectively. I looked into my rear view mirror to watch them walk - they were alone! Where were these kids going alone? And I just drove past to work.

Last week I read the story of a 4 year old girl right here in Thokoza found hanged and possibly raped . These stories scare me because I am a parent of a little girl. They seem remote when I read them on IOL – horrific but still distant. It is so far removed from our reality that while we are upset by it all we don’t know what to do about it. So nothing is done.

Monday, May 27, 2013

BB is so 2000 and late - CC is the new kid on the block

I've blogged about BB creams before here. The difference between BB and CC creams is subtle–CC generally stands for “color correcting” or "complexion correction" and the products are meant to address issues like redness or sallowness (usually with light-diffusing particles), whereas BB creams are like a light foundations with added skin benefits.

I'm keen to try this latest offering from Clinique. I remember Clinique products since I was a little girl as my sister is a loyal fan and used them religiously.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Confessions of a Mumzilla -Mumnesia

I used to be one of those people that could remember everything. Since becoming a mom I have become incredibly forgetful .  I recently enrolled in an Advanced Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine and the first exams and assignment was due in on the 15 March 2013 . The day Dhiyana turned 3 months old. In retrospect I don't know how I did it - mostly at typing and studying at an angle while breastfeeding , Trying to complete my assignment while battling a Pinterest addiction ( I still can't shake it). Thank goodness for a super supportive and helpful Hubby (that's how I are did it) .

The day before I had to hand in the assignment (it was finished the week before ) she just didn't want to sleep - think she knew .It was like she knew I would be out the next day . She only fell alseep at 00:30 (after trying many things) and I woke up at 3:00AM, pumped some milk , spilled half of it on our previously-very-snazzy-presently-sporting-toys-and-silly-baby hats couch and at 5:00AM I made my way to Pretoria. 

In my world Pretoria is exceptionally far and I hate driving there. It fills me with dread and anxiety.  I think I have some weird kind of agoraphobia associated with the N1 highway. It's like the anxiety had my heart in a vice. People on the highway were probably wondering why I was driving at a snail's pace on the highway in a sporty BMW. Don't laugh!

 I made it through two days of this sleep-deprived torture and the exam seemed to go remarkable well (let's not be humble here I  knew everything and breezed through the paper) . Those MCQs were no match for me. Fast forward one month during a casual conversation with another doctor who also wrote the exam. She mentioned how shocked she was about the 20 mark essay question on the treatment protocol for acne. The what? In my universe that question didn't exist . I didn't see it - where the hell was it? I felt so stupid and wondered what was happening to my brain. My husband has taken to calling me MCQ's (and pointing and laughing). 

I am super proud as I got 99% ( wonder what I did wrong) and I passed the exam ( and I would have gotten a distinction if I hadn't left out that question). 

In terms of this "Mumnesia" thing it actually is a documented phenomenon ( so it isn't just me).

The "mumnesia" phenomenon was studied by researchers at Boston University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who concluded that post-natal forgetfulness can be put down to four main factors: Priorities, pain, hormones, and fatigue.

Breast-feeding also increases the time women suffer from this forgetfulness because it circulates hormones which help mothers relax and promote a "mellow, mildly unfocused feeling". Apparently this sort of thing lasts for 12 months - but there is a bright side.

Researchers at Yale University and the University of Michigan took brain scans of 19 women's brains two to four weeks after giving birth and again three to four months later. Each mother was also interviewed on both occasions about her experiences as a parent.
The results of the study show part of each mother's brain grew considerably between the first and the second brain scans. The structural changes occurred mainly in the prefrontal cortex, parietal lobes and the midbrain. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Aura Thai Spa Review

After a particularly harrowing week I was wearing the look of a well-worn new mom. I need a facial and perhaps a decent pedi and in my line of work you do need to look the part. 

I called on Saturday and took a chance ( I was actually trying Sinzinani but the main reception couldn't transfer me). I got through to Ketsiri (the owner of the spa) and she was so friendly and super helpful and she somehow found an appointment for me at 9:00 AM on Sunday morning. When I got there it reminded me so much of a spa we visited daily when we were on holiday in Koi Samui two years ago. The facial went well but was not extraordinary. Maybe I am a fussy pants and also then again I compare every facial to my amazing Decleor facial experiences that I used to have at Rocher Beauty. 

We started with a complimentary foot soak and scrub and then got on with the facial ( I chose an adult deep cleanse). I was extremely relaxed and I think I may have nodded off a bit! The pedi was also done in the same room so no need walk around after the facial. 

I also decided on to not have a paint done on my toes - I just wanted to give them break. The foot massage was just what I needed. I was surprised at the end of the treatment to get some complimentary nommies. Also Ketsiri said that if there was anything I was unhappy I must let her know as all she wants are her clients to be happy.She also said that if I change my mind about the pedi paint I should just come through the next day and they will do it at no charge. 

The next weekend my husband went for the sports massage (after much convincing). He hasn't had a massage  for two years ( since Thailand) so I thought it would be a cool treat. After the massage he was offered some warm ginger tea and spring rolls with a small fruit salad. He has already booked another massage for next week! He also told me to pick whatever massage I would like and he will treat me (Score!). I think I will go with either the hot compress or thai aromatherapy ( a review will follow either). I would recommend the spa for massage treatments but I'm not completely sold on their facials yet.

Khob Khun Ka Ketsiri for the lovely ,warm service and genuine care that you and your therapists have for your clients.

So for a warm, friendly and pampering experience  give Aura Thai a try - have a look at their fabulous website or just call to make an appointment - 

The complimentary nommies. 

Comaro View Shopping Centre
Upper Level
Shop 19C (Soon to join up with Quintessential and move to Meyersdal)

Cell: 082 499 1396
Tel: 011 432 6830 / 011 055 0005

Mon, Tue, Thurs & Fri: 9:00 to 21:00
Sat - Sun: 9:00 to 19:00
Public Holidays: 9:00 to 19:00
Closed on Wednesdays

Update: The hubby and I recently went for a couples massage at Aura Thai. Fabulous experience - I didn't take any pictures as I thought I just want to relax and enjoy the experience. You really are pampered - ginger tea and tropical fruit snack pre-massage. There after you are led to a big couple's room (decor is amazing and the lighting is dim and cozy so you feel very comfortable). Traditional Thai style massage on flat plinths. Gosh it just remined me so much of Koi Samui. Afterwards you have some nommy satay chicken and ginger tea. Service is great, the staff are friendly,respectful and accomodating I would definitely recommend any of their massage treatments.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Confessions of a MomZilla - Toys, Toys Glorious Toys!

I think I get more excited about my baby's toys way more than she does. I know I'm not the only one. I am particular fond of the cool bath toys I got her and I am currently fixated on getting her " luminous stars" (bath toys that light up). 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Blogger Dream Spots

Misool Eco Resort, Indonesia

I am going to visit this place come hell or high water

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Guest Post by Indian Blogger Chetana from : Secret Of Hair Growth Using Indian Oils

Indian women are known not just for their attractive looks but also for their beautiful hair. The Indian tradition of applying hair oil to achieve a healthy mane hails back to ancient times.
It is believed that the secret to long, black, healthy, shiny tresses is regular application of oil to the hair.
Many Indian women love to keep their hair long and flowing. The general notion being that hair is a woman’s crowning glory and a sign of real beauty, Indian men too prefer their women to possess long, black hair cascading down to the waist.
To acquire and retain thick luscious healthy hair, Indians, especially women oil their hair regularly.
Here are some Indian oils that are used for hair growth and maintenance:

Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is the most commonly used hair oil in India, which besides having multiple purposes from cooking to skincare, is a storehouse of goodness for the hair.
For thousands of years, the goodness of coconut has been tapped in India.
Coconut oil is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-fungal, a dandruff and infection fighter; it seals and retains moisture in the hair shafts, thus acting as a natural deep conditioning treatment for the hair; it replenishes dry and damaged hair, nourishes the scalp and hair with essential nutrients, stimulates blood circulation in the scalp area and thus aids hair growth.

Mustard Oil:
It is believed that mustard seed oil when massaged regularly into the scalp stimulates hair growth; it nourishes and conditions the hair and helps to fortify the muscles in the head.
Mustard seed oil is high on minerals like zinc and selenium. When the body undergoes a lack of these, hair loss can begin. It also contains beta carotene, fatty acids, calcium and iron - Beta carotene converts into Vitamin A and works great towards protecting the hair and stimulating new hair growth.

    Mahabhringraj Oil:

This is an Ayurvedic hair oil (traditionally prepared from pure herbs) that is widely used in India as an effective means to prevent hair loss and induce new hair growth. It strengthens and deeply nourishes the hair by seeping into the roots, nourishes the scalp, fights dandruff and prevents premature graying of hair.

    Amla Oil:

This oil, coming from the fruit of the Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis, a tree native to India) is very beneficial for promoting hair growth and has been used for thousands of years in India for its hair conditioning and strengthening properties.
As a result of containing essential fatty acids, very high amounts of Vitamin C and antioxidants, it replenishes moisture to the hair shafts, prevents hair loss and  premature graying, treats dry and itchy scalps, helps in the maintenance of natural hair color, enhances the health and vitality of hair and encourages hair growth naturally.
Visit StyleCraze for more hair care tips and tricks.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Product Spotlight Garnier BB Cream " Miracle Skin Perfector" - A definite "Yummy Mummy" staple

My first blog post in ages and my first blog post after my baby arrived. She is 3 weeks old and the most awesome little person and currently taking a nap so I'm going to make this snappy.

I received some teeny samples of Garnier BB cream in light and medium ( the medium matched my skin perfectly for the summer - I'm a MAC NC42 - In winter I might blend the light and medium) . I took the samples to the hospital with me as a suggestion in one of the books was to take a bit of make-up in your labour bag with you. In retrospect I was too busy demanding an epidural and bouncing on a labour ball to care about a flawless complexion. It came in handy the third day in hospital ( notorious for the so-called baby blues) when I needed a bit of a pick me up. 

 When the baba was 13 days old we had her first trip to Dischem (more on that in a later blog post) I took the opportunity and grabbed a tube of the stuff.

I don't really wear foundation anymore ( even though I have a whole MAC cache of primers, correctors and what not) after discovering this- sometimes if I have a bit of time I do put a MAC primer underneath but I'm quite happy with this BB Cream. It's so quick and easy to apply with no fussing with perfect blending and foundation brushes- so it's a great tool in any "yummy mummy arsenal". It smells nice - all white tea and floral-y (quite refreshing). The SPF is a bonus but I still recommend wearing an SPF 50+ Broad Spectrum (Eucerin or Bioderma) underneath. The vitamin C is great - a topical anti-oxidant to combat those havoc-wreaking free radicals. So while this cream provides the optical illusion of blemish diffusion it also protects and moisturizes. 

BB Cream- BB is short for "Blemish Balm," "Beauty Balm" or "Beblesh Balm" (stemming from a copyright on the word "blemish" in Korea) -- was originally developed in Germany in the 1960s by dermatologist Dr. Christine Schrammek, who was looking for an ointment suitable for patients who had recently undergone a peel or laser procedure. The product remained relatively obscure until it was brought to South Korea and Japan in the mid-1980s, where it became the favourite beauty product of a few well-known actresses and has been selling like hotcakes in recent years. In the past 2 years it's creating a buzz in the rest of the world

The cream is all-in-one treatment/moisturizer/makeup hybrid -- it's meant to be soothing and ultra-nourishing to your skin while providing light, tinted, sheer-looking coverage (sometimes mineral-based) for your dark spots, acne and other facial blemishes. Variations usually includes a good SPF to protect your skin from the sun's rays and other environmental damage, while providing anti-aging and anti-inflammatory serums to the skin to make it look younger. Some formulations are made to treat problem skin, while others offer skin whitening or shimmer to give skin an instant glow. BB creams used to only come in a light shade or two and didn't really blend well on dark skin. That's changing rapidly.

I was quite happy with the Garnier - it's affordable, easy to get hold of and blended well on my skin. I like it!